
Showing posts from April, 2022


Granadillo is an excellent, heavy, fine finished, tropical hardwood found at Central America. Granadillo” is the normal name most often applied to the quality hardwood that comes from a few spscies types inside the Platymiscium sort. While there are 19 distinct kinds of Platymiscium, the 3 most noticeable ones available are Platymiscium yacatanum, Platymiscium pinnatum and Platymiscium pleiostchyum. Each of these have covering developing areas and proposition a somewhat unique encounter. All are quality hardwood giving remarkable character, shading and tone. Granadillo is an excellent, heavy, fine finished, tropical hardwood found at Central America. Granadillo” is the normal name most often applied to the quality hardwood that comes from a few spscies types inside the Platymiscium sort. While there are 19 distinct...