Buy Best quality Wenge mantel / Fire place mantel

Buy Best quality Wenge mantel / Fire place mantel
Finest high quality / Kiln dried / Fireplace mantel
Dimension : Length : 120" / width : 5" / thickness : 5"
Buy the best quality Pau Rosa Fire place mantel from California's renowned exotic hardwood supplier.
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African rosewood, African tulip, Pau Rosa, and Pau preto,Swartzia madagascarensis is also known as. Found in Eastern Africa and the African Congo.
While the Congo type has more oranges and yellows that resemble Brazilian tulips, the Eastern variant typically has darker hues. Reds, oranges, yellows, violet purples, and black are among the colors. It is popular in Africa for carving bowls, utensils, animals, and other specialist items.
Dense with a high natural polishing capacity. If not adequately cared for, susceptible to checking when green. Glues, cuts, and does job well. a distinctive wood from Africa that belongs to the same family as the Mexican Yucatans katalox.
California exotic hardwoods supply best exotic hard woods .
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